Welcome to The Painted Daisy!
I’m Jenny and I created this business in 2008 after realizing that my career as a
human resources professional was not offering enough life balance. I had been sewing for recreation and extra income since I was in my teens, but never considered it as a full-time occupation. With the support of my spouse and kids I decided to do a 180
in my career, ditch the suits & heels and park myself in front of my sewing machine full-time!
I love sewing, textiles and vintage….anything, so I combined those loves into this venture and starting creating clothing and accessories that are fun, different, whimsical, affordable and eco-friendly. I try to keep my “new” fabric purchases
to 25% or less of the materials I use each year.
When I start to feel stir crazy locked in my home sewing studio I break free and
spend time sewing for a local upholsterer. Making furniture is a whole different creative outlet that I love!
I can’t thank my family and friends enough for all your support!
Many are featured in my gallery - the beautiful real-life models that I admire in my life.
My quote to live by -
If you always do what interests you,
at least one person is pleased.
~Katherine Hepburn